High fives for Sheffield gym girls

National qualifiers - l-r:  Nina Deery, Ally Booker, Jess Burton , Jess Rodgers and  Poppy WilkinsonNational qualifiers - l-r:  Nina Deery, Ally Booker, Jess Burton , Jess Rodgers and  Poppy Wilkinson
National qualifiers - l-r: Nina Deery, Ally Booker, Jess Burton , Jess Rodgers and Poppy Wilkinson
Five talented young gymnasts fromSheffield's Workshop Gymnastics Club have qualified to represent Yorkshire at the National Grades Finals at Fenton Manor, Stoke, next month.

Nina Deery, Ally Booker and Jess Rodgers all won overall gold, making them Yorkshire champions in their national and compulsory grade competitions, with Poppy Wilkinson and Jessica Burton also qualifying for Nationals by placing in the top four. A total of 28 girls from the Sheffield Workshop took part in the competition, and head coach Paula Belton said: “What an amazing weekend! I was totally blown away by the girls, they all did so well and just kept winning gold after gold!”