Reshuffle of Sheffield Council’s Cabinet

Coun Lewis Dagnall takes on the newly created role of cabinet member for environment and transportCoun Lewis Dagnall takes on the newly created role of cabinet member for environment and transport
Coun Lewis Dagnall takes on the newly created role of cabinet member for environment and transport
Sheffield Council’s Cabinet has been reshuffled following the departure of one of its most senior councillors.

Coun Jack Scott, who was in charge of transport and development, left the Cabinet a fortnight ago after he was suspended by the Labour Party. There is a council investigation into whether he declared an interest properly.

The new Cabinet has nine positions, one less than before. The role of transport and development has been scrapped and a new environment and transport position has been created.

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Coun Lewis Dagnall, who was previously Cabinet member for environment and streetscene, will take on the new role.

His remit will cover the Streets Ahead project, emergency planning, waste management, environmental regulation, trading standards, transport, the Bus Partnership, parking services, cycling, road safety, air quality, flood defence, licensing and energy.

All other Cabinet positions stay the same, although Coun Chris Peace, who is in charge of health and social care, is standing down as a councillor in May’s local elections.

Coun Julie Dore, as leader, is in charge of corporate policy and strategy and deals with the Sheffield Partnership Board, Core Cities, devolution, Sheffield City Region and housing strategy.

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Deputy Leader Coun Olivia Blake will deal with all things financial including the budget, HR, customer services, IT,  equalities, revenues and benefits and legal and governance.

Business and investment remains with Coun Mazher Iqbal and includes strategic economic policy, economic regeneration, city centre development, major events, planning and international economic strategy.

Coun Jackie Drayton remains as Cabinet member for children and families, covering children and young people’s health and social care, adoptions and fostering, safeguarding, care leavers, youth justice, early years and public health.

Culture, parks and leisure are headed by Coun Mary Lea and includes sports, Activity Sheffield, countryside and public realm, museums and galleries, libraries, community events, city centre management, markets and allotments.

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Coun Jayne Dunn remains with education and skills and will head up youth prevention services, lifelong learning, skills, employability, school improvement and attainment, school admissions, schools funding, inclusion services, special educational needs and disabilities, exclusion and pupil referral.

Health and social care, under the control of Coun Chris Peace, includes adult social care, adult safeguarding, ageing population, Dementia Friendly City, integration of health and social care, mental health, domestic abuse, drugs and alcohol services and supported living.

Finally, neighbourhoods and community safety remains with Coun Jim Steinke. He will look after council housing, sheltered and older people’s housing, repairs, council new build, community safety and anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood management, homelessness, migration and asylum, gypsy and travellers strategy and management and the voluntary sector.