Register to vote in the EU referendum and get free ice cream

Brexit debateBrexit debate
Brexit debate
If the political and socioeconomic ramifications of the EU in/out debate isn't enough to make you sign up to vote, how about free ice cream?

The University of Sheffield has teamed up with HOPE not hate to drive students to sign up to vote for the upcoming EU referendum.

What: #TurnUp campaign voter registration drive, with HOPE not hate in conjunction with the University of Sheffield’s own VR campaign.

When: Monday 6th June, 10am - 2pm

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Where: The Edge, The Endcliffe Village, Endcliffe Crescent, Sheffield S10 3ED

A limited number of free ice creams will be given away for students who register to vote, thanks to a Mister Softee ice cream van which will be at the session.

A spokesman for the campaign said: “Young people are twice as likely not to be registered as the population at large.

“A YouGov poll commissioned by the #TurnUp campaign revealed that nearly half (45%) of all 18-30 year-olds viewed the debate as two groups of old men shouting at each other.

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“Only half (51%) were absolutely certain to vote. At the last general election, only 43% of 18-to-24-year-olds voted, compared to more than 60% of over-25s and 78% of pensioners.

“Many students will already have left their usual university addresses to return home, where they may not be registered to vote (with the EU Referendum also taking place on the Glastonbury festival weekend).

“Thanks to voter registration changes an estimated 770,000 people - mostly young people, private renters and ethnic minorities - have fallen off the register altogether. Since 2014 Bite The Ballot estimates that four million young people have dropped off the electoral register.

“7th June is voter registration cut-off for the EU Referendum.”