Sheffield City Council elections: the Liberal Democrats are targeting Crookes and Crosspool

One of the most important wards in this election is the one in Crookes and Crosspool where Labour is trying to hold the seat and the Liberal Democrats are trying to gain with the council on the line.One of the most important wards in this election is the one in Crookes and Crosspool where Labour is trying to hold the seat and the Liberal Democrats are trying to gain with the council on the line.
One of the most important wards in this election is the one in Crookes and Crosspool where Labour is trying to hold the seat and the Liberal Democrats are trying to gain with the council on the line.
In a new series ahead of the local elections in Sheffield, candidates of the city’s three big parties will tell you why they should be elected (or re-elected) and what we can expect from them.

One of the most important wards in this election is the one in Crookes and Crosspool where Labour is trying to hold the seat and the Liberal Democrats are trying to gain with the council on the line.

At the moment, Labour has only two seats more than the LibDems in the town hall (31-29), and as Crookes and Crosspool is in the Sheffield Hallam constituency where Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed, the leader of the LibDems, is standing at the next general election, May 2 is going to be a big test for both groups.

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Cllr Ruth Milsom from Labour wants to keep the ward for her party.

She told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS): “As your councillor, I’ve been listening to residents and working hard to improve things for our neighbourhoods—from nurturing our green spaces and local businesses to fighting for better public transport and postal services.

“I know what matters to people, and will continue to work with you and for you to deliver for Crookes and Crosspool.

Sheffield Labour is under new leadership, with an ambitious plan for our city. People have an opportunity to vote for a better, brighter future for our communities.

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“I’ll help with the cost of living, doing all I can to put more money in your pocket. I’ll help give every child the best start in life. I’ll work to bring back buses under public control as we have with the tram. I’ll bang the drum for our high streets and green spaces, so everyone can have pride in our area, and support our local businesses.”

The Liberal Democrats will have Jordan Barry to challenge Cllr Milsom.

He said: “I believe that I am the candidate who actually reflects the values of people in Crookes and Crosspool. Local residents can trust me to put my money where my mouth is when it comes to the environment – I have fought to introduce food waste recycling which the Labour councillor up for election has opposed. I live locally on Arran Road, I am involved in the local community and use our bus services every day.

“If elected, I want to continue campaigning hard alongside Cllr Tim Huggan – whether that’s for safer school streets and crossings, more electric vehicle charging points, more money for our community groups, and pushing the council to sort out our city centre. We already have a Labour MP, a Labour mayor, and two Labour councillors – a vote for me is a vote for real change in Sheffield.”

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The Green Party is here too, they are sending Oscar Idle to Crookes and Crosspool.

He said: “Having lived in Crookes and Crosspool, I am excited to stand in the area. I am currently a student here, but I also work locally as a chess tutor.