Plans for over 100 new Sheffield homes put on hold

Artist's impression of the Skye Edge developmentArtist's impression of the Skye Edge development
Artist's impression of the Skye Edge development
Plans for 100 new homes in a Sheffield neighbourhood have been put on hold while councillors visit the site.

Developers Placefirst want build the homes on land between Skye Edge Road and Skye Edge Avenue. The site used to have housing, which was demolished in 2006, and there are still parking courts and paths used by residents.

Plans to gate off new parking areas have prompted objections.

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Local resident Patricia Parker told the meeting: “I have lived there since 1978 since it was built. We were assured this new development would be integrated within the community but this is not the case.

“There are three areas of car parking which are going to be gated and that takes away from residents already living and parking there. Where will residents park once this area is private?

“There are also going to be industrial bins for 113 homes and there will be a fence but the bins will be located on our side of it. The new homes will be protected with nice gardens and we will be looking at all the bins.

“I’m all for regeneration but not at the cost of residents already living there.”

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Local councillor Pat Midgley also raised concerns. “This is about density, parking and the safety of people already living there.

“This is a very important site in the city but residents have always known it is going to be built on and do appreciate that.

“The density and overbearing of the higher houses will contrast with the rather small houses that are already there. The gating is another issue. If we want to create a community, gating areas off is not the answer.”

James Liverland, on behalf of Placefirst, said they were happy to work with the council on a travel plan to ensure there was no increase in on-street parking.

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He said: “The proposed development is important, not just because it represents the redevelopment of the former demolished estate, or indeed as our first major new build project that will deliver high quality rented accommodation for families.

“It’s important because it signals a new chapter for Skye Edge, which is a very prominent location. Skye Edge occupies a dramatic ridge line which provides unrivalled views across the city and should be celebrated.

“Working families who rely on the private rented sector deserve a better deal with aspirational housing they can call home.

“In combining their needs, as well as those of local residents, we have sought to create a development of architectural merit which provides quality family housing, public open spaces and a promenade which will terminate in a viewing platform which can be enjoyed by all.

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“This will involved a huge investment given the abnormal costs involved but is an opportunity we relish.

“The fencing is for security reasons for our residents and there are four key areas where people can move through as we don’t want any barriers. We want people to be able to move up through Skye Edge and down to City Road and the station.

“The bin stores will be enclosed in timber and some with brick cladding.”

Councillors deferred making a decision until after a site visit.

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