Noisy Sheffield neighbours prosecuted and forced to pay £1,500 in fines

Three Sheffield residents who caused a noise nuisance to neighbours have been prosecuted, fined and had equipment including stereos seized.Three Sheffield residents who caused a noise nuisance to neighbours have been prosecuted, fined and had equipment including stereos seized.
Three Sheffield residents who caused a noise nuisance to neighbours have been prosecuted, fined and had equipment including stereos seized.
Three Sheffield residents who caused a noise nuisance to neighbours have been prosecuted, fined and had equipment including stereos seized.

The cases were heard at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court last month where fines and charges were awarded totalling more than £1,500.

Now Sheffield Council's housing officers are taking further action as those convicted live in council homes and their actions breach tenancy conditions.

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Councillor Bryan Lodge, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “Our officers go to great lengths to resolve noise complaints. As these cases show, we will pursue people through the courts if needed and take the strongest action available to us.

“I hope the court fines will act as a deterrent to others and a reminder that the council will act to prevent further noise nuisance in the community.”

Councillor Jayne Dunn, Cabinet Member for Housing, added: “These tenants breached their tenancy conditions and housing officers are taking appropriate action based on each case. We will not tolerate anti-social behaviour.”

The cases were heard at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court after officers had contacted the residents about the noise and asked them to address it.

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When problems continued the authority’s Environmental Protection Service issued noise abatement notices but when they were not met, equipment was seized in all three cases and they progressed through the courts.

Details of the individual cases are:

- Judith Shaw, aged 51, of Cookson Close in Southey Green, was found guilty in her absence on June 23 of breaching an abatement notice issued by the authority.

At Sheffield Magistrates’ Court, the magistrates imposed a fine of £440, costs of £220 and a victim surcharge of £44.

- Peter Jamieson, aged 59, of Morgan Road in Shirecliffe, was found guilty on June 23 of breaching an abatement notice issued by the authority.

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At Sheffield Magistrates’ Court, the magistrates imposed a fine of £50, costs of £35 and a victim surcharge of £20.

A third case was also heard in June but details are not being published due to ongoing further investigations.