Joy as Sheffield businessman Jerry Cheung realises 13-year dream to open China UK incubator

Jerry Cheung at the CUBI signing with Chamber, university and council chiefs.Jerry Cheung at the CUBI signing with Chamber, university and council chiefs.
Jerry Cheung at the CUBI signing with Chamber, university and council chiefs.
'There's loads of hard work ahead.'

Jerry Cheung, the man behind Sheffield's £65 '˜Chinatown', acknowledged the scale of the work still to do after a 13-year project to open the China UK Business Incubator in Sheffield.

Speaking at the launch of CUBI in New Era Square, on Bramall Lane, he said: 'It's not going to come and get me. There's going to be loads of hard work ahead. We're talking to a lot of Chinese cities who have incubators and asking '˜what does business want?''

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CUBI aims to help UK and China-based businesses with language, business practice, cultural understanding, advice, translation and intelligence. It is a not-for-profit organisation within the development of flats, offices and shops.

Mr Cheung, who started on CUBI in 2005, said: 'I'm completely still not believing it's happened. This is a collaboration with Sheffield's two universities, the Chamber, the council and investors, it can't get any bigger than that.'

Funding for the project came from a Chinese family. The launch was also attended by the Chinese vice consul based in Manchester.

Richard Caborn, former MP, minister and now adviser to Sheffield City Council, said: 'It wouldn't have happened without Jerry Cheung. He had the vision and the strategic approach. He could see the Chinese community in Sheffield contributing and two nations coming together in an effective way.'

Mr Caborn also praised Coun Mazher Iqbal, cabinet member for business, in helping Jerry Cheung win his 'battles with Planning,' to build higher than 11 storeys.

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