Feature: Old-fashioned way of life still goes on

Tony and Mark Wasteney of Wasteney's Butchers in GrenosideTony and Mark Wasteney of Wasteney's Butchers in Grenoside
Tony and Mark Wasteney of Wasteney's Butchers in Grenoside
It's moments away from glorious woods and countryside and has all the amenities residents need '“ apart from a decent bus service.

Grenoside is nestled on the hillside separated by the busy Halifax Road, in the north of Sheffield.

On the main street through the heart of the community there is a general shop, butchers, village cafe and garden centre – and plenty of thriving pubs.

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Grenoside residents Gill Swift and Diane TippingGrenoside residents Gill Swift and Diane Tipping
Grenoside residents Gill Swift and Diane Tipping

The friendly, old-fashioned way of living hasn’t been forgotten – people stop in the street to say hello and pass the time of day.

There is a wonderful community spirit that shines through and plenty to keep everyone busy – a thriving activity scene means there is something to do on a daily basis.

The community centre hosts a range of activities and is the home of the ever-popular Grenoside and Birley Carr Players, who put on plays and concerts, attracting both locals and people living further afield.

Next door is St Mark’s Church and its church hall, which has a host groups and classes including Blaze, an after-school club, Messy Church and pilates.

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Grensoide GreenGrensoide Green
Grensoide Green

Grandmothers Diane Tipping and Gill Swift help to run the children and family groups, including Grenoside Baby Group, held every Tuesday.

The church is searching for a children and families worker to run the groups, but in the meantime the pair are enjoying taking the reins, as well as helping with other church activities.

Diane, aged 65, has lived in the village for more than 40 years.

She said: “Grenoside has got such a village feel. You walk along the road and you say hello to everyone who passes by, which is nice.

Adele Waistnidge and Kayly Boswell of the Old Harrow Inn, GrenosideAdele Waistnidge and Kayly Boswell of the Old Harrow Inn, Grenoside
Adele Waistnidge and Kayly Boswell of the Old Harrow Inn, Grenoside

“It’s very much a family place and a community place.

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“There is a good feel to it and you are very fortunate to be near the woods and the countryside but you aren’t out on a limb.

“The only thing it needs is a better bus service.”

Gill, 66, moved to the area four years ago from Halifax to be closer to her family.


“It is by far the friendliest place I have ever lived,” she said. “Everyone is so nice and friendly. There is something to do all the time – there is lots going on.”

Across the road Kayly Boswell is quickly settling into life as the landlady of the Old Harrow Inn, one of Grenoside’s many pubs.

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The 37-year-old moved to the area in September with partner Lee Dean.

She said: “The community is fantastic. Everyone knows each other and looks out for each other.

“It is lovely. The pub is doing really well. We have all sorts going on – quiz nights, entertainment on Saturdays and food.

“We do get locals coming in, but also a lot of walkers – people from all over.”

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Adele Waistnidge, 36, from Fox Hill, works in the pub and loves Grenoside.

“The only thing it needs is a bus service and a bank machine – that is all that is missing,” she said.

Tony Wasteney has lived in Grenoside all his life, taking over Wasteney’s Butchers from his father and grandfather after they established it in 1898.

The thriving butchers has a steady stream of customers, who cannot speak of it highly enough.

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Although the day-to-day running is left to his son, Mark, Tony still helps out on a part-time basis.

“I have lived here all my life so I don’t know what makes it so special – it just is,” he said.

“Although it isn’t what it used to be. There used to be people walking up and down the streets all the time.

“Our business has had to change to keep up to date with the times. We’ve started going into pubs and getting into the catering side of things. Local shops are a thing of the past – you have to diversify.”

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Things might be changing in some aspects of life in Grenoside – but the Grenoside Reading Room ensures the area still holds onto its past.

It is the area’s only listed building and was built as a school in the 18th century. Nowadays the building has been restored, with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, and is a heritage centre.

It is open every Monday and gives people the chance to look around and enjoy homemade soup, cakes and hot drinks. It also hosts a regular language group.

Providing a perfect backdrop to Grenoside is the much-loved Greno Woods.

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Popular with walkers and dog owners, it also boasts some of Sheffield’s best mountain bike trails.

The woods were the training ground of former world champion mountain biker Steve Peat, who hosts his annual race there, attracting thousands of bikers and spectators to the area.

Henry Norman, from Ride Sheffield, a mountain biking advocacy group, said: “People have been mountain biking in Greno Woods pretty much since the inception of the sport and it is an increasingly popular spot for people to go. The beauty of Greno is that it packs a lot into its small size.”

He said Ride Sheffield had developed three all- weather grade trails and added: “This combined with relatively easy climbs in a beautiful setting make it a great place to ride.”