Exhibition depicts city's homeless life

A photography exhibition depicting urban life through the eyes of homeless people opens at Edge Hill UniversityA photography exhibition depicting urban life through the eyes of homeless people opens at Edge Hill University
A photography exhibition depicting urban life through the eyes of homeless people opens at Edge Hill University
A series of images depicting homeless life in Sheffield have been unveiled in a new national exhibition.

The Street View exhibition features 20 colour images depicting the lives of people sleeping rough, providing an insight into the daily routines of thousands of vulnerable people in the UK currently living on the streets.

Among them are photographs taken by three clients of Sheffield’s Cathedral Archer Project, which works with the homeless and vulnerable in the city.

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Nik BrearNik Brear
Nik Brear

Sheffield-based photographer Mark Harvey, an Archer Project volunteer who worked on the exhibition in partnership with higher education charity The Open College of the Arts, said these images give an insight into the contradictory nature of urban life.

“What we started to see, when the Archers Project clients came in every Monday to share their work, were the completely differing views and experiences they have of day-to-day life in Sheffield,” said Mark.

“One person’s images would depict the city as a place of beauty, hope and family, while others showed the struggles of homeless life with scenes of ‘sleeping rough’, substance abuse and make-shift homes.

“Overwhelmingly, the photographers who contributed were excited to share their work.”

The exhibition opened at Edge Hill University in Lancashire - the first stop on a planned national tour.

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