Crossings are just not an improvement

Pedestrian crossingPedestrian crossing
Pedestrian crossing
Having recently reached pension age I decided that it was time to do some sort of exercise.

So I thought about walking, as I live close to the park, so I decided to have a stroll through Endcliffe park down towards Ecclesall Road.

When I reached Hunters Bar roundabout I remembered that around December time last year there had been a certain amount of disruption going on with the crossings, the powers that be had decided to replace the traffic lights. This lasted a few weeks.

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To my dismay when I used the button to change the lights to stop the traffic the signal box was facing in the wrong direction so I couldn’t see whether the man was red or green, also there was no warning alarm to let me know that it was safe to cross, how on earth was a blind person supposed to know?

This wasn’t just on one crossing but all of them. This is also the same scenario at Broomhill. Is this exercise done to save lives or as usual waste tax payers’ money?

A concerned pensioner
