Steep rise in domestic abuse reports in South Yorkshire

Photo: Dominic LipinskiPhoto: Dominic Lipinski
Photo: Dominic Lipinski
People facing domestic abuse made more than 480 reports of coercive or controlling behaviour in South Yorkshire in the past three years.

The annual figure has increased by more than six times since 2015.

South Yorkshire Police say it is likely down to increased awareness of domestic abuse and controlling behaviour as a criminal offence.

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A spokesperson for SYP said: “As a force, we are committed to supporting victims of forms of domestic violence and bring the perpetrators to justice.

“Over the last 18 months SYP has provided training around the identification of coercion and control offences and also improved training to support victims of these offences.”

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Last year the Home Office also introduced new recording rules for the police.

SYP said: “[the new rules] were added to ensure that all coercion and control offences would also be recorded in addition to the most serious additional notifiable crime reported at the same time.

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“This change and raised awareness has resulted in an increase in the identification and recording of these offences.”

It comes after stricter laws were introduced to crack down on domestic abuse.

The law banned abusers cross-examining victims in family courts, introduced a domestic abuse commissioner, forced perpetrators into behaviour changing programmes and banned them from going to certain places.

Domestic abuse includes threats and intimidation, sexual, emotional or physical abuse.

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To report a crime, call South Yorkshire Police on 101 or dial 999 in an emergency. You can also report information to the police anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Total number of reports of coercive or controlling behaviour in intimate or family relationships:

2016: 51

2017: 119

2018: 323