Classic Japanese operatic tragedy with Madam Butterfly

Madam Butterfly presented by Russian Stte Ballet at Chesterfield's Pomegranate Theatre on February 5 and Buxton Opera House on Monday, February 8.Madam Butterfly presented by Russian Stte Ballet at Chesterfield's Pomegranate Theatre on February 5 and Buxton Opera House on Monday, February 8.
Madam Butterfly presented by Russian Stte Ballet at Chesterfield's Pomegranate Theatre on February 5 and Buxton Opera House on Monday, February 8.
Madam Butterfly, '¨Pomegranate Theatre

Russian State Opera returns with the perfect tragic opera from Puccini.

Set in Japan at the turn of the century, Madam Butterfly is among the most colourful and exotic of all operas, and from its theme of noble self-sacrifice spring melodies that grip your heart.

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They include the aria Un Bel Di, which translates as One Fine Day.

The opera tells the story of a doomed love affair between an American naval officer, Pinkerton, and his young Japanese bride, Cio Cio San.

Her self-sacrifice and defiance of her family leads to heartbreak and tragedy.

The production is sung in Italian with English surtitles.

The cast are accompanied by an orchestra of more than 30 musicians.

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Youngsters from the region have been chosen to portray the son of Madam Butterfly on the tour.

Cormac Morley, aged six, who has attended the Stagecoach theatre school in Halifax since July last year, appears in Chesterfield on Friday.

He will be replaced at Buxton Opera House on Monday by another Stagecoach pupil, five-year-old Tyler Jones.

Producer Alexej Ignatow, of Amande Concerts Ltd, who has co-ordinated the UK tour, said: “We are constantly on the lookout for new challenges, to ensure that our opera and ballet audiences get a chance to experience a wide spectrum of various classic pieces.”

Pomegranate box office: or 01246 345222. Buxton: 01298 72190 or