Doncaster health staff 'over the moon' with two award win

Lisa Connor is pictured (second from the left) with Cllr Nigel Ball together with, from the left, Sue Copeman, Karen Cvijetic and Lynn Hall, who are all running club members.Lisa Connor is pictured (second from the left) with Cllr Nigel Ball together with, from the left, Sue Copeman, Karen Cvijetic and Lynn Hall, who are all running club members.
Lisa Connor is pictured (second from the left) with Cllr Nigel Ball together with, from the left, Sue Copeman, Karen Cvijetic and Lynn Hall, who are all running club members.
A Doncaster based health trust has received two awards for supporting its staff to keep fit and healthy.

Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) clinched the large business award and workplace health initiative in this year’s ‘Be Well @ Work Workplace’ health awards run by Doncaster Council’s Public Health Team.

Lisa Earnshaw, Head of Workforce at RDaSH, said: “We are over the moon at winning these two awards. It’s really important that we help our staff to keep fit and healthy. These awards prove we are going in the right direction.”

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RDaSH won the awards because of the amount of initiatives they run for their staff, which include running clubs, keep fit sessions, yoga, slimming clubs and other fitness training.

It was the Mindful Movers running group, started by Associate Nurse Director Lisa Connor, won the workplace health initiative award.

The group helps people to begin running, and achieve distances of up to 10K.

Lisa Connor said: “It’s fabulous to win the award for setting up the Mindful Movers Running Club.

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“We’ve set up three 0-5k groups already and have started a 5k-10k group, where staff come along after work and go on a club run.

“All of our runners love the groups and are regularly entering external competitions, which keeps them fit and well.”

RDaSH staff received the awards from councillor Nigel Ball, Doncaster Council Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure and Culture, at an event hosted by Walkers Nurseries, Blaxton.

He said said: “It’s great to see employers recognised for the work they do to ensure that their workers’ health and wellbeing is paramount.

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“Sincere congratulations must go to RDASH for the work they do every day, week in and week out, to make the workplace and the workers healthier.”

RDaSH provides a range of mental health, learning disability and community health services.